Accommodation in Skeleton Coast & Cape Cross
Lodges are few and far between in this remote, but fascinating area. Apart from a few fishermen camps, there are a few lodges that offer trips into this restricted area - day visitors are not allowed. A few fly-in safari operators also offer a unique way to experience this area which is known for its excellent variety of wildlife.
This 16,000 square km² (6,200 mi²) Skeleton Coast National Park covers much of Namibia's coastline, with the northern section being a designated wilderness area. Some of the landmarks include the clay castles of the Hoarisib, the Agate Mountain salt pans, the large seal colony at Cape Cross and the numerous ship skeletons that dot the area.
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Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp
Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp sits in scenic, wide valley where two tributaries of the Hoanib River meet. It straddles two wilderness areas: the private Palmwag Concession and the iconic Skeleton Coast National Park, in one of Namibia’s most remote areas. Dramatic scenery, sightings of remarkable desert-adapted wildlife and huge seal colonies are just some of its attractions.