[Last updated August 2023]. Despite the country's reputation, it is generally safe to visit South Africa as a tourist. A tiny minority of tourists experience incidents of crime during their visit to South Africa, and most areas frequented by tourists are reasonably safe. And like anywhere else in the world, it is wise to follow a few basic precautions, use common sense, and avoid high risk areas.

If you're wondering how safe it is to visit South Africa as a tourist, perhaps read this blog post first: Is it safe to travel to South Africa?

Here are some basic safety tips that will help keep you safe while visiting South Africa. Don't be scared off by this long list of tips. Most of these apply to other destinations around the world, too.

On the flight and at the airport

  • Never pack valuables in checked luggage. Keep valuables on you. Don't keep your phone or passport in your back pocket or accessible jacket pocket. Use an inside pocket or travel wallet.
  • Be alert at the airport. Keep your belongings in sight. Hold on to your stuff. Never leave a bag unattended. Look around. Walk with purpose. Follow official direction signs, don't ask random people for directions.
  • Don't accept help from strangers. If you get hassled, a firm "no thanks" will do. Don't allow yourself to be distracted. Not by your phone, and not by other people. Thieves may stage a diversion to distract you while an accomplice tries to steal your valuables. Be suspicious of someone randomly bumping into you, or a stranger striking up a conversation.
  • Do not carry valuables in your backpack or any bag or pocket that is easily accessible. If your valuables are in your backpack, don't carry it on your back. Pickpockets are clever and use all kinds of tricks to distract you and steal your wallet or phone.
  • Avoid taxis that have been recommended to you by strangers at the airport. People offering rides or assistance with your luggage can be quite pushy and demanding. You'll need to be equally firm in your refusal. Don't allow anyone to touch your bags or grab your trolley.
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash on you, or exchanging a large amount of foreign currency at the airport. Don't draw cash at an ATM in the public arrivals hall at the airport.
  • Be aware of people who seem to be hanging around or following you. If someone keeps following you, report them to an official or the police.
  • If you plan on tipping someone, prepare your tip in advance, in private. Don't pull out your wallet loaded with cash in public.

At an ATM


Drawing cash at an ATM

  • ATM's or cash machines are available almost everywhere. Some are in safe locations, others not. The safest ones are inside a bank or shopping mall, not out on the street. You can also draw cash from most supermarkets, at the till (cash register). That is much safer.
  • Don't draw large sums of cash at a time. Rather use a card to pay.
  • Be alert. Never accept help from a stranger. Don't even look up if someone asks you what the time is. If someone tells you the ATM is broken and you need to use another one, be suspicious and don’t draw cash there.
  • Never allow anyone close to you. Make sure nobody is looking over your shoulder. Shield the keypad when typing in your pin. Never divulge your pin to anyone no matter what happens. If a suspicious person is hanging around or offering to help, just walk away.
  • If your card is stuck in the machine, and someone comes to try and help you, it is almost certainly a scam. Stay at the machine, don't enter your code again, phone your bank and cancel your card immediately. It is wise to save your bank's contact number on your phone before your trip, so it is easy to cancel your card if needed. And be sure to enable international dialing on your phone before your trip starts.
  • Some scammers will offer to accompany you to an ATM in order to draw cash for some purpose. If someone offers to accompany you to an ATM or offers to help you at the ATM, they are almost certainly a scammer. There are no legitimate permits or fees or fines that require you drawing cash from an ATM. It doesn't matter how official looking the person is.
  • Anyone who says you need a permit for walking or driving somewhere, or need to take a detour and pay some kind of toll is lying to you and hoping to scam you. These kind of scams are common in certain areas (e.g. "The road ahead is closed, you will need to take this private detour which will cost you R500, but don't worry, you can just get the permit or draw the cash from that ATM over there").

While driving

  • We recommend downloading and installing the SECURA Traveller App (available from the app store). This handy app tracks your location and allows you to request help at the touch of a button on your phone. Via their country-wide network, the SECURA team will quickly get you the help you need, whether it's a medical issue, a car accident, a safety or security issue, or simply a case of feeling unsafe or if you got lost. This service only costs R49 for 30 days (less than $3) and we include this for free for all our self-drive clients.
  • Do not put valuables on the passenger seat or backseat of the car. Make sure phones, handbags, laptop bags and any other valuables are stored out of sight. If possible, keep your wallet, phone and passport on your person rather than somewhere in the car. A hidden money belt can be useful. A visible money belt (like a moonbag) is not advisable.
  • Look the doors and keep windows closed.
  • At traffic lights, people may approach your window to beg for money or try and sell you something. Don't panic, this is common in South Africa and usually harmless. A shake of the head is enough to indicate you are not interested.
  • Be alert if someone approaches the driver's window. Don't allow yourself to be distracted. Smash-and-grab thieves will often have an accomplice distract the driver while they check your front or back seat for a handbag, laptop, phone or anything else they can grab through a smashed window.
  • Use a GPS, but also ask directions to your destination before your trip, and plan your route beforehand. Study a map. Sometimes, a GPS or Google Maps will direct you through a dodgy area that may be a more direct route but is not the safest route. If you find yourself in a dodgy area, rather turn around. Don't blunder around aimlessly. Do your research beforehand so you know where to go. Ask your consultant or get advice from your host where you are staying. Find out if there are particular routes are areas that are best avoided.
  • Never pick up hitchhikers or offer lifts to a stranger, no matter how sad and desperate their story.
  • Do not drive at night. Aim to reach your destination before sunset.
  • Do not stop along a highway. Criminals use all kinds of ways to try and get a vehicle to stop. Someone may lie down in the road and pretend to be dead or injured. At night, they sometimes put spikes or rocks in the road in certain areas to try and disable a car so they can rob them. If you hit a rock or get a flat tyre, don't stop immediately, carry on slowly and try and find a safe, well lit place to stop such as a service station.
  • Stick to the speed limit and obey all traffic rules. Never roll over a stop street. If a traffic light is not working, treat it as a 4-way stop. You must stop dead, behind the line. If you get pulled over, stay friendly and polite, but be aware that a small minority of traffic cops are corrupt. Never pay a fine in cash, on the spot. Insist that the ticket is written out and inform the cop that you have been instructed not to pay any fine in cash - spot fines are in fact illegal. If you are asked to go to the police station, agree to go, insist on a written ticket showing the infringement and the officer's name, as well as a receipt for the fine you paid. Never pay a cash fine to an officer demanding one.
  • The majority of South Africa's roads are good quality and safe to travel on. But certain regions and certain routes are known to be less safe. Either because of potholes and poor road conditions, or because carjacking or robbery attempts are more common there. Find out from your host or your consultant which areas or roads to avoid.
  • In the unlikely event that you are robbed or hijacked, co-operate fully and do not resist. Let them take what they want. Resisting, cursing, threatening or shouting increases the chances of escalation to violence. Stay calm and don't fight them. Trying to get away can also end in tragedy. Your car or valuables are not worth your life.
  • When locking your car, listen for the click of the lock or check your doors to make sure they are locked. In some areas, remote jammers are active. Some thieves will hide out of sight and quietly open the back door just a bit while you get out, so that they can access the car after you've locked it and walked off. Don't leave visible valuables in your car.

At your hotel or at restaurants

  • Don't leave your bags unattended. Keep them closed and within sight.
  • All credit card transactions should be completed in your presence. Don't let anyone take your credit card out of sight, where it may be cloned.
  • Use the room safe. Never leave valuables in your suitcase or elsewhere in your room, where cleaning staff can access it. If anything goes missing from your room safe, it is almost certainly an inside job by staff of the hotel. Speak to your agent or operator who will help you sort this out with the hotel owner or manager.
  • Keep your hotel door locked and don't open for strangers.
  • Ask the hotel front desk about your immediate surroundings, if there are any areas to avoid, etc. You can also get directions about where to go.

On foot and in public areas

  • Stick to areas that are well lit and frequented by tourists. Avoid empty side streets or alleyways. Avoid dodgy-looking areas, deserted areas, and remote beaches or footpaths.
  • Don't wander around aimlessly. Know where you are going. If you need directions, don't ask strangers on the street. Go into a hotel or shop and ask for directions.
  • Don't walk around staring at your phone. Keep your phone, purse and other valuables out of sight. Be alert.
  • Don't display valuables or excessive jewellery. Don't wear a moon bag or visible money bag. Try to blend in, rather than stand out as a rich tourist.
  • Never put your bag down somewhere and turn your back, or walk away from it.
  • Be cautious when people approach you or try and distract you. Go into a nearby shop if you feel uncomfortable.
  • Walking in groups is better than walking alone.
  • Do not give money to people on the street. Rather give to registered charities. Be careful about where you take out your wallet. And don’t believe all the sad stories you hear.
  • It is not wise to carry large sums of money with you. Credit cards are widely accepted and much safer.
  • Avoid remote beaches and hiking trails. Do a bit of research beforehand. Some areas are known to be unsafe, so don't go there. Ask your hotel or tour operator which areas are best to avoid.
  • Some areas like the Waterfront are very safe, even after dark. But generally, it is safer to take a cab after dark than walking somewhere. In South Africa, we don't stand on the sidewalk hoping to flag down a passing cab like one does in NYC or London. Phone and book a cab while you are still in the restaurant, or book an uber.

In game reserves

  • Game reserves are generally safe. Drive slowly and stick to the speed limit. Stay in your vehicle. Do not feed or touch any wild animal. Be careful of baboons and monkeys, especially around Cape Point and at picnic sites in the Kruger National Park. They have lost their fear of humans and will grab food from your hands if the opportunity presents itself.
  • Do not leave food or bags in an open vehicle. Do not leave valuables lying around. Before leaving your car, check that your car doors are locked.
  • In the Kruger Park, do not leave valuables in your bungalow while out on a game drive. Cleaning staff will have access to your room and your fridge. Occasionally something goes missing, so take care.
  • If you are driving yourself to the Kruger Park, avoid the Numbi entrance gate. The road goes through a poor community and there have been a few security incidents on this road.
  • In Table Mountain National Park, avoid hiking alone on remote footpaths or hiking trails. Don't carry valuables with you on a hike. Always hike in a group and stick to the most popular tourist routes.
  • At Addo Elephant National Park, avoid the R335 approaching Addo from the west. Rather take the N10 and R342 via Paterson.
  • Keep your distance from elephants. If an elephant seems upset and comes towards your car, it is best to drive away.

Strikes and Protests

Strikes and protests are common in South Africa. Sometimes, they affect traffic because protestors may try to block off certain public roads. If you encounter a crowd or mob of people, or see smoke and burning tyres in the road ahead, or encounter rocks and branches placed across the road, do not attempt to get through. Rather stop and turn around. Phone the emergency number and ask about an alternative route. Most of the time, strikes and protests are temporary and short-lived.

Use common sense

No matter where you travel in the world, general common sense and basic safety precautions will help you avoid most incidents of crime. Be alert. Be aware of common scams, such as fake security guards telling you to pay a toll fee or buy a permit or whatever. Avoid dodgy-looking areas and known high-risk areas. In South Africa that would include the townships (slums), run-down areas, commuter taxi ranks, and certain downtown areas. Some communities and certain routes are known to be unsafe, so speak to a local or do some research before your trip. Don't carry large sums of cash on you. Don't trust strangers. If someone keeps bugging you or following you, head into a shop or restaurant and ask for help. Read up about common tourist scams, and be careful where you keep your valuables. If something does happen, stay calm and control your emotions. Don't try and fight off robbers, or try to be a hero. Rather co-operate and think of your own safety first, not about your worldly possessions. Theft or robberies can happen, but homicides or violent crimes against tourists are very rare. Report any incidents of crime to the police. You need a police case number in order to claim from insurance. You can also report incidents to the Tourism Safety Initiative. This website also has some handy safety tips and important contact numbers. If necessary, get assistance from your travel agent or tour operator, or from your country’s consulate.

Most importantly, do not let the fear of crime ruin your trip or stop you from enjoying your African safari! Even in South Africa with its reputation for being unsafe, incidents involving tourists are rare, and most tourist regions are safe to visit. The vast majority (over 99.9%) of tourists to South Africa experience no incidents of crime during their trip.

Safe travels!


About the author


Onne Vegter is the managing director of Wild Wings Safaris. He has a deep love for Africa's people, wildlife and natural heritage. Having travelled extensively to Africa's top safari destinations, his writing is based on his personal travel adventures and decades of experience in the safari industry. Follow him on X at @OnneVegter.