We normally quote either in South African Rands (ZAR) or British pounds (GBP). The currency used in South Africa is the South African Rand (ZAR). In other African countries, the most common currency is the US Dollar. If we quote you in US dollars or euros, at the time of making the payment this will have to be converted to South African rands or British pounds. When converting from USD to ZAR or from ZAR to GBP, we never use the interbank rate you might see on the news or online. We use the same exchange rate you would pay when converting money at the bank. This is in the region of interbank +4%.

We accept payment by wire transfer or by credit card. Our secure online payment facility accepts most major credit cards.

When travelling in Southern Africa, the most useful currency to have with you is South African rand or US dollars. You do not need to carry a lot of cash with you – most places accept credit cards. You can exchange money easily at any bank or airport in South Africa. There is also a good network of ATMs where you can draw cash in local currency with your foreign bank card.
