Cape Town Dams Now At Almost 66%
Hats off to Cape Town for neatly side-stepping imminent drought disaster. While other major cities have taken years to recover from similar situations, Cape Town's dams are now sitting at 65,9%, up from last week's 65.3%. What's more, heavy rains forecast from today and these are expected to continue for the week ahead!
Just a few months ago, Cape Town seemed on the brink of disaster, with the real threat of the city's taps running dry. With a Goliath effort which included phenomenal planning, innovative buy-in from the hospitality sector, a selfless gift from the farming community and severe water restrictions, the City of Cape Town has bounced back quicker than any other city that's faced a similar situation.
This time last year, things looked dire indeed for the Mother City - with the Berg River Dam just 57% full, the Voëlvlei Dam at 26% and the main feeder and biggest dam in the province, Theewaterskloof Dam, was at a measly 27% capacity.
As of today, the Berg is at 97%, the Voëlvlei at 73% and Theewaterskloof at 49%. And the rainy season is far from over!
If you still have any doubts about visiting Cape Town because of the widely-reported water crisis, rest assured that Cape Town now has more than enough water for the foreseeable future - and will definitely not run dry, as some alarmists and media reporters warned only a few months ago.
Cape Town, one of the world's most beautiful cities, is waiting to welcome you!
About the author

A 'word smith' or copywriter with over 25 years experience, love travelling, wildlife and conservation; fascinated by alternative energy, alternative building and alternative health. Consummate reader and traveller, both internationally and southern Africa. Have two remarkable daughters that continue to amaze and teach me daily. Consider myself privileged to live on the best continent on the planet.